Murrah Buffalow Details



New Member

May i know the below details please.
1.Where do i get the High Quality Elite Murrah breed Buffalo.
2.what nature of the buffalo indicates it is healthy.
3.what is the Prescribed cost for 15ltr/day milk yielding buffalo. to construct a farm(factors to be noted in constructing)
5.feeding for this Breed Buffalo's according to the high yield to feed the calve's
8.Precautions and measures to be followed.
kindly give all the neccessary details (which might be helpfull for us in constructing a good quality farm).
*NOTE: we are from South East Andhra Pradesh (Nellore(Dist),Sullurupeta(MD),Mannemutheri(VI).
CLimatic condition details:
summer: 35 to 48
winter: 25 to 28
rainy : heavy rain fall (not frequent) and average level(frequently).

P.Leelakrishna Reddy
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Dear Mr. P.Leelakrishna Reddy,

Iam a Chemical Engg from Tamilnadu and in the process of establishing a Buffalo Dairy in my farm.
I could give you answers to a few of your questions

1.You can get it in areas around Jind,Hissar ,Rothak of Haryana.But you also get good animals around Mandapetta near Rajahmundry and also in Ongole .

2.A healthy buffalo MAY NOT be a good yield-er.Yield depends upon protegee and progeny factors.

3.Iam not sure of the rates.

5.Feeding for this Breed Buffalo's according to the high yield---this is a very tricky issue that needs a through understanding of animal needs.So PLEASE CONSULT AN ANIMAL NUTRITIONIST.This is is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of successful dairying.

8.Precautions and measures to be followed----HEALTH IS WEALTH.So please maintain AT MOST HYGIENE of the animals and your dairy. MASTITIS is the biggest problem faced in dairies and they eat up your revenues.


Visit as many dairies as possible to get a first hand knowledge .

Start small and then scale up.

Grow your own fodder.Only then you can sustain the dairy on a profit basis.

Contact CHRS at Ongole .They can help you in identifying good animals at your place.

Pl.visit IAI exibition at Karnal b/w 1-3 of Dec. and PDFA fair at Jagron ,Punjab on 21 Dec.They will give you lot of information.

Wallowing tank is a must of Buffalos.


Established Member
Dairy Expo


IAI (International Animal Industry) Expo 2011- 6th in series is scheduled to be held from 1st to 3rd December 2011 at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal

IAI Expo strives to be the biggest cutting-edge international animal industry event bringing technology providers, buyers and sellers from all corners of the world under one roof. IAI Expo 2011 acts as the complete information platform for Farmers, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, Manufacturers and Policy Makers.
IAI Focus on:

* Poultry Industry

* Dairy Industry

* Meat Industry

* Aquaculture Industry

* Swine Industry

* Sheep & Goat Industry

We are conducting a education tour to visit the above expo. To know more about the expo please visit IAI EXPO 2011

Tour Programme

A. Wednesday - 30th November 2011 Leaving Hyderabad by AP Express.
Train leaves from Secunderabd railway station by 6.50 am sharp. All
participants in the programme should be there at Secunderabd Railway
Station by 5.45 am

B. Thursday – 1st December 2011 reaching New Delhi by 9.05am.
Immediately leaving New Delhi to Karnal by bus or train.
C. Same Day – reaching Karnal by 2pm.
D. Thursday 1st December to Saturday 3rd December stay at Karnal.
E. Sunday 4th December morning 6am leaving Karnal to Newdelhi.
F. Same day reaching New Delhi by 10am
G. Same Day: 10am to 4pm spending at New Delhi
H. Same Day: Reaching New Delhi Railway Station by 4.30pm
I. Same Day: Leaving New Delhi by AP Express 5.30pm in the evening
J. Monday 5th December reaching Secunderabd by 7.30pm evening

The tour cost will be Rs.8,000/-

The tour cost is including

• Train fare from Secunderabad to Newdelhl to Secunderabd
• Train or bus fare from New Delhi to Karnal to New Delhi
• Accommodation at Karnal
• Delegation fee of Rs.1500/-

For more details please contact

Mr. Muraldhar 99858 11671
Mr. Eswar 98851 70423
Office land line: 040 64641344

M/s. Sampada Farms & Consultants
405-Panchasheel Towers
Park lane, M G Road

Terms & Conditions

A. All participants should pay Rs.8000/- at our office on or before 8th
November 2011.
B. All participants should fill and forward the REGISTRATION FORM of the
C. Amount will not be refundable or transferable
D. Food is not included in the cost of tour
E. Due to any unforeseen conditions, if the programme is changed, we are
not responsible for any loss of amount
F. Due to any unforeseen conditions if the trains are cancelled, we are not
responsible for such situations
G. Please bring less luggage
H. Please bring clothes suitable cloths for winter season
I. Please don’t bring any valuables
J. Payment can be sent by account transfer also to the bank account
also. Bank details sent along with this mail.


Established Member
Sampada Farms!

Dear Mr. P.Leelakrishna Reddy,

Iam a Chemical Engg from Tamilnadu and in the process of establishing a Buffalo Dairy in my farm.
I could give you answers to a few of your questions

1.You can get it in areas around Jind,Hissar ,Rothak of Haryana.But you also get good animals around Mandapetta near Rajahmundry and also in Ongole .

2.A healthy buffalo MAY NOT be a good yield-er.Yield depends upon protegee and progeny factors.

3.Iam not sure of the rates.

5.Feeding for this Breed Buffalo's according to the high yield---this is a very tricky issue that needs a through understanding of animal needs.So PLEASE CONSULT AN ANIMAL NUTRITIONIST.This is is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of successful dairying.

8.Precautions and measures to be followed----HEALTH IS WEALTH.So please maintain AT MOST HYGIENE of the animals and your dairy. MASTITIS is the biggest problem faced in dairies and they eat up your revenues.


Visit as many dairies as possible to get a first hand knowledge .

Start small and then scale up.

Grow your own fodder.Only then you can sustain the dairy on a profit basis.

Contact CHRS at Ongole .They can help you in identifying good animals at your place.

Pl.visit IAI exibition at Karnal b/w 1-3 of Dec. and PDFA fair at Jagron ,Punjab on 21 Dec.They will give you lot of information.

Wallowing tank is a must of Buffalos.

Good! Useful info!


Senior Member
Dear Mr. Peejjay kittu ,

Plz contact us ..We are the leading Dairy Consultancy services for Mid to large Dairy farm Project and quality Cow / Buffalo supplier ..Contact us through PM ..GGDFCS India .. with best wishes --Dr. Sarkar, Ph.D.


May i know the below details please.
1.Where do i get the High Quality Elite Murrah breed Buffalo.
2.what nature of the buffalo indicates it is healthy.
3.what is the Prescribed cost for 15ltr/day milk yielding buffalo. to construct a farm(factors to be noted in constructing)
5.feeding for this Breed Buffalo's according to the high yield to feed the calve's
8.Precautions and measures to be followed.
kindly give all the neccessary details (which might be helpfull for us in constructing a good quality farm).
*NOTE: we are from South East Andhra Pradesh (Nellore(Dist),Sullurupeta(MD),Mannemutheri(VI).
CLimatic condition details:
summer: 35 to 48
winter: 25 to 28
rainy : heavy rain fall (not frequent) and average level(frequently).

P.Leelakrishna Reddy
Last edited by a moderator:


Senior Member
Facts about Murrah Buffalo

Dear All.

Murrah is one of the most important dairy breed of Buffaloes. Pure Murrah is a massive dairy animal with a good dairy temperament and has very tightly curled horns, bulky hump and very slim neck region. Other important character of this breed is well developed udder with very prominent mik veins. It has a very silky and soft skin coat. It is found in the regions of PUNJAB, Haryana, Delhi and North - Western Uttar Pradesh.The major organised breeders of Murrah are in Ludhiana, Bhatinda, Kanpur and Patiala. Where as maximum brokers and traders are spread accross Rohtak, Jind, Hissar and Sirsa. Murrah is one of the most efficient milk and butter fat producer. average milk yield varies between 12 to 18 kg per day or 2400 to 3500 kgs per lactation.
We specialize in supply of Pure breeds of excellent lactating and pregnant buffaloes of following types:-
 Pure Murrah Buffaloes of excellent body confirmation, Good udder, tightly curled horns, dairy temperament and milk yield capacity of 2000 to 4000 liters in a lactation (10 – 20 kg. per day.)
All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders.
Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.
For Trade inquiries or more information kindly visit or contact at:
Model Dairy Farm,
Naramau, G.T. road, Kanpur – 209217 (India)
Phone: 09936286478 , 09936296361.
Model Dairy Farm

May i know the below details please.
1.Where do i get the High Quality Elite Murrah breed Buffalo.
2.what nature of the buffalo indicates it is healthy.
3.what is the Prescribed cost for 15ltr/day milk yielding buffalo. to construct a farm(factors to be noted in constructing)
5.feeding for this Breed Buffalo's according to the high yield to feed the calve's
8.Precautions and measures to be followed.
kindly give all the neccessary details (which might be helpfull for us in constructing a good quality farm).
*NOTE: we are from South East Andhra Pradesh (Nellore(Dist),Sullurupeta(MD),Mannemutheri(VI).
CLimatic condition details:
summer: 35 to 48
winter: 25 to 28
rainy : heavy rain fall (not frequent) and average level(frequently).

P.Leelakrishna Reddy
