Emu Farming, a profitable business.


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Emu Farming is the growing industry and many people are trying their luck in this field. Mr. Inder Pal Singh too have joined the industry with his Haryana Emu Farm, a new addition to his family business of poultry farming.
He talks on various aspects of emu farming in an interview with our correspondent.

Haryana Emu Farm was set up by Mr. Inder Pal Singh in Mukarbpur village in Yamuna Nagar District, Haryana. Before setting up the farm, Mr. Singh visited emu farms in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh to learn about emu farming. He also underwent required training for choosing and rearing genetically strong emu birds.

The company supplies emu chicks, emu birds, emu meat and emu eggs. It mainly targets poultry farmers and consumers of red meat. “There is a huge demand for emu chicks in northern India. Most buyers buy from us to rear emu for breeding purpose only. We are also focusing on emu meat market,” says Mr. Singh. There are 7 employees working on the farm. The company trains its staff in house.

The company participates in agri fairs and events held by sugar mills, co-op banks, agricultural universities or veterinary doctors’ meets, to promote emu farming.

The initial problem faced by Mr. Singh was getting the special emu feed for the different age group, to get the desired medical help from the local vets and marketing the emu eggs. “Marketing of emu product such as eggs and meat are the main challenges for new farmers as there is no ready market in India. I always advice people to study the business and its market first then ask them to step into this business,” he says.

He recommends several measures to the government to promote emu farming, “R&D should be done to develop a breed of emu birds in India, agri universities should include emu birds in veterinary studies, there should be a dedicated slaughter house for emu birds, training should be made available for emu farmers and emu hatcheries, machinery to extract oil out of emu fat should be subsidized, and best quality emu feed should be made available.”

Mr. Singh recommends emu farming as emu birds are highly disease resistant. Also emu meat is 98% fat free.

Future Plans
Speaking about the company’s future plans, Mr. Singh says, “There would be huge demand for emu breeders and emu meat in coming years and for that, we have to increase our production to meet the demand. In future we plan to set up a mini slaughter house for domestic meat supply and thereafter establish an international standard slaughter house equipped with latest cutting & packaging machines for export purposes.” In future, the company also plans to extract and sell emu oil, which has healing and moisturizing properties and can be used to manufacture skin products.

Speaking about competition, Mr. Singh says, “Competition has always been healthy for any business, I always encourage my competitors as we want Emu Industry to grow with time. We need to educate and train prospective farmers first, then supply them healthy birds/feed and last but not the least buy back their eggs to help their business grow.” Mr. Singh is a commerce graduate and has been in the field of sales and marketing since 1998.

So what are your impressions after reading this article? Feel free to ask questions and leave feedback on this article. The editorial team of AgricultureInfomation.com and Mr. Inder Pal Singh will monitor and respond to your comments.


New Member
Emu farming

Dear Mr. Singh,

As we are going to start livestock management we are considering EMU farming as a secondary option. But sir could you please brief about the pros and cons of the same. Because even if everything is ok with emu farming the main concern about this is Market. Where do we sell our emu birds, meat, feathers and all cause in india peoples are not yet aware if it. And how we will capture foreign market for it. can you please guide us....


Well-Known Member
Investment for 50 Birds.

Dear Indra Pal,

One of our members Harish ask you if it is good idea to start Emu farming with 50 birds? How much investment is required for 50 birds farm and what are profits he can expect in future? Please give the details.

Editorial Team.

Dear Sir,
First of all, I am really happy that you are considering “Emu Farming” though it is your secondary option. Emu Farming is basically divided into two types, 1st is to source Eggs from a Breeding Farm and the 2nd is to Raise Emu for Various Products/Meat Market.
Best and Easy way is to go with the first option, where you keep quality emu birds at your farm, take a very good care of them & get quality fertile eggs. Sell these Eggs to the local hatchery or generally your Emu Birds suppliers will buyback those eggs. You will get good profit by selling those eggs, as good fertile eggs can be easily sold for anywhere between Rs.1000-1500. Else you can always start selling emu chicks by putting up an in house Emu Hatchery too. There is a huge demand these days of emu chicks in various states. So before purchasing the birds always ask your supplier about the buyback agreement of eggs or check with the local hatcheries, if they are having demand of the same.
2nd option is also good, but it really depend on that you have any emu slaughter house nearby or not, as they will buy your live bird ageing about 12-18 month and weighing more than 35Kg. As I have heard, they pay something ranging between Rs.250-300 per Kg. of your live stock. So far as the other emu by products, only a slaughter house can sell them as they are having quantity of each product like feather, Leather & Nails Etc.

Dear Harish,

Number of pairs has to be decided on the total investment you want to do in this very business. As you have to feed your birds from day one and the return on your investment will come as soon as the birds will start laying eggs. So be careful about the numbers, as there is much other expenditure too like feed, Medicine & Labor Etc.
Investment on 25 Pair depends on that, what age of birds you are opting to start with like 3 month old pair will cost you anywhere between Rs.7000-8000 and older birds will cost you somewhere around Rs18000-24000 per pair. In 1st laying an Emu can lay about 10 Eggs, in 2nd laying 15-20 eggs and 3rd laying onward 25-35 eggs. Total return on your investment depends on the price of the eggs sold less feeding and other expenses.


New Member
Emu Farming

Dear Sir,
First of all, I am really happy that you are considering “Emu Farming” though it is your secondary option. Emu Farming is basically divided into two types, 1st is to source Eggs from a Breeding Farm and the 2nd is to Raise Emu for Various Products/Meat Market.
Best and Easy way is to go with the first option, where you keep quality emu birds at your farm, take a very good care of them & get quality fertile eggs. Sell these Eggs to the local hatchery or generally your Emu Birds suppliers will buyback those eggs. You will get good profit by selling those eggs, as good fertile eggs can be easily sold for anywhere between Rs.1000-1500. Else you can always start selling emu chicks by putting up an in house Emu Hatchery too. There is a huge demand these days of emu chicks in various states. So before purchasing the birds always ask your supplier about the buyback agreement of eggs or check with the local hatcheries, if they are having demand of the same.
2nd option is also good, but it really depend on that you have any emu slaughter house nearby or not, as they will buy your live bird ageing about 12-18 month and weighing more than 35Kg. As I have heard, they pay something ranging between Rs.250-300 per Kg. of your live stock. So far as the other emu by products, only a slaughter house can sell them as they are having quantity of each product like feather, Leather & Nails Etc.

Dear Sir,
Thanks a million for your helpfull reply. As both of these options are good my only concern was regards to customer and market. I mean in India peoples are not yet aware of such bird meat and there benefits. Even i am not aware where are the slaughter houses present for such emu meat. Peoples only know about chicken & Mutton.


New Member
Doubts on EMU farm

Hi Sir,

I am must interest start a emu farm with 50pairs(3 Months old Chicks) i have so doubts regarding this farm

1.how much investment required up to 1st laying including all like hichering machine and farm development cost fencing and rooms generator
2. where we can sell emu chicks or Eggs
3. In future it is profitable business?
4.Any banks provide loan as well as any subsidiary for this emu farm this financial year 2012-2013 i heard and i discuss with nabard district employees they told now no subsidiary available.

Eswar reddy



emu farming is a very good business opportubity. if you need more detailes, please contact to me,


New Member
emu farming

my name is ramu from bangalore..i would to start emu farming with 30 pairs(in kolar)..
so can any one help to start emu farming ..
1) is it good business for feature?
2) how much cost for 30 pairs including all could storage,feed per yer,transport and etc.
3)is any bank providing loans for this in Karnataka?
4)where to sell emu eggs,meet and all?
5)which company providing emu birds(3 months),feed,and others that require?
6)if any one have emu detailed project report please send me on ramanjisunkara@gmail.com..

thanks in advance.

Emu Farming

Dear Ramu,
Yes of course it is a very good & fruitful business. Cost of birds depends on their age, so be very specific about the age of the birds as chicks you will have start laying after15-18 months or else you can opt fully grown birds which will lay eggs this year too. On an average, adult pair of emu consumes feed of about Rs.8000-10,000/- per year.
Well I am having no idea about the banks in Karnataka who are providing such loans, but can discuss it with any nationalized bank. Market of eggs is the main concern of the business, so check it with your local emu suppliers and ask them about buy back agreement of eggs if they have any. For 3 month old emu chicks always prefer a reliable and your nearest emu hatchery so that they can guide you in rearing chicks and can buy back the emu eggs.


Inder Singh

Dear Mr. Reddy,
Investment in emu farming depends on the total number of pairs you bought, feeding cost till laying starts, labor and other expenses. Price of 3 month old emu chicks could be anywhere between Rs. 7000 - 10,000 per pair. Feeding cost till they start laying will be about Rs.8000/- per pair. Hatchery Machines comes with different capacity ranging from 180 eggs to 2400 eggs and the cost of the same is ranging between Rs.60 000 – 6,00,000. Generator for power back up is needed 7.5 to 15 KVA.
You need to make your own space in the emu market in your respected state. There are so many banks here in our state who are lending for emu farming and of course NABARD is providing subsidy (25%-33%) on the same.

Inder Singh


New Member
thanks for informatin

i have another doubt how is the market in India...i seen some comments in agri information that emu market in India is not good...
so what do you say about this...?
is there good market for emu products now and feature?

Hi Sir,

I am must interest start a emu farm with 50pairs(3 Months old Chicks) i have so doubts regarding this farm

1.how much investment required up to 1st laying including all like hichering machine and farm development cost fencing and rooms generator
2. where we can sell emu chicks or Eggs
3. In future it is profitable business?
4.Any banks provide loan as well as any subsidiary for this emu farm this financial year 2012-2013 i heard and i discuss with nabard district employees they told now no subsidiary available.

Eswar reddy
Dear Mr. Reddy,
Investment in emu farming depends on the total number of pairs you bought, feeding cost till laying starts, labor and other expenses. Price of 3 month old emu chicks could be anywhere between Rs. 7000 - 10,000 per pair. Feeding cost till they start laying will be about Rs.8000/- per pair. Hatchery Machines comes with different capacity ranging from 180 eggs to 2400 eggs and the cost of the same is ranging between Rs.60 000 – 6,00,000. Generator for power back up is needed 7.5 to 15 KVA.
You need to make your own space in the emu market in your respected state. There are so many banks here in our state who are lending for emu farming and of course NABARD is providing subsidy (25%-33%) on the same.


Emu farming

i would like to know facts about EMU FARM.. capital cost of farm and required land....maintenance & feed ....other costs involved in the project


Well-Known Member

Emu Model Project

Buying 10 pairs of 3 months old Emu birds
Cost Rs. 2,00,000(INR)
Cost of Fencing Rs. 70,000/- (one time)
Feed cost per year for 10 pairs of emu birds -Rs.90,000/-

Emu birds start laying eggs after 18 months
First time 10 pairs of emu will give 100 egss
Second time 10 pairs of emu brids will give 200 eggs
third time 10 pairs of emu brids will give 300 eggs + plus

Emu bird lays eggs only between October to march every year

As per this model project the Total Investment is Rs.3,60,000/- INR (One time Investment)

Income from this model project will be Rs 3.00,000 INR for every year (Todays market value per egg is Rs.1000/- so (300 eggs X Rs.1000/- = Rs.3,00,000/- INR )

This income will continue for 30 years as emu will lay eggs for more than 30 years.

Contact For Further Details : Mr. K.Suresh KumarE-mail: sureshkumar33@yahoo.com



emu farming

Dear , friends please give reply to my questions
in general business means loss & profit are common.
what are loss factors in EMU farming?
when loss will occur?
what precautions should take against those ?
if EMU farming is more profitable means why it is not famous in all states?

even in andhra pradesh also not famous in all regions why?

Special thanq to aswini sir


Well-Known Member
The only problem you might face is the lack of space as Emus need at least a 3000 square feet, for about 5 pairs of Emus, as they have a tendency to kick their feet and get aggressive at the enemies.

The other factor is you need to take care as it should not be affected with any pest or diseases.



Well-Known Member
Emu farming

Emu Farming in Andhra Pradhesh is gaining more popularity. Emur farming proposals are s covered under on going Venture capital fund scheme for Poultry sponsored by NABARD .the total unit cost is Rs.30 Laksh for 50 Pairs . Subsidy amount of Rs.7.50 Lakhs will be given by the NABARD. The applicant will be charged interest on Rs.19.50 Lakhs only out of Rs.27.00 Lakhs of nitial loan sanctioned to him.

The capital cost and recurring costs for 50 pairs Emu birds will be around 30 Lakhs . Out which recurring expenditure will be 8.62 - 16.95 Lakhs in the years to come ( including interest portion included in the expenditure) . Shed , fencing, pen area like structures costs about Rs.5.95 Lakhs , cost of machinery will be Rs.3.55 Lakhs and cost of 3 months old hicks will be Rs.7.50 Lakhs . An amount of Rs. 13.00 Lakhs is ear marked for feeding the birds. The party is capable of meeting the expenditure of maintenance of birds over and above the project cost. The surplus income on the farm is estimated at the prevailing rates will be Rs.12.91 lakhs from third year onwards and increases up to Rs.29.46 Lakhs

Currently the demand for Emu chicks is very high which is over the supply at present. Therefore there is a great demand for chicks in the market. This situation will possibly remain over a period of 6 – 10 years. After this period marketing will be for raising of birds for oil and meet ie., fattening of birds for meat purpose which has equal sales realisation , as seen in sale of chicks to farmers. Presently Eggs are sold at Rs.2000/- each and Chicks are being sold at Rs.7500 to Rs.8000/- per chick . The 6 months age old bird will cost about Rs . 10,000- 12000/-. The adult bird after two years will be costing around Rs.25000 - Rs. 30000/- for breeding purpose. The emu birds will survive 25 to 30 years and generate income to the farmers continuously over a long period.

Already one large farm at Siddipeta is marketing meat and emu oil in Hyderabad city. Emu Processing units are coming up at Nujiveedu are planning to purchase live birds at the cost of Rs.400/- Kg ..Even farmers can fatten the birds and can sell the birds for meat purpose in the coming two years. The cost of raising an emu bird for 2 years will be around Rs.8000 . The bird weighs about 35 to 40 Kgs . Each bird will fetch about Rs.12000 to 13000 . Hence farmer will get a profit margin of Rs.4000 to 5000 . .Hence , farmers are will not get any loss on rearing of emu birds if they rear under fattening scheme also and in maintenance of emu hatchery in future.

Surplus income on the Emu farm will be about Rs. 12.00 to 29.00 Lakhs in the coming years and farmers are capable of repaying the loan installments out of the income on the farm in the subsequent years .

For project report please consult the following :
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New Member
Emu farming -

Dear all,
I am replying on the above reports of EMU farming. It looks very cool by looking at the reports - costs, sales - profits. But practically it is not like that. I have not seen a proper sales market for the EMU meat. People are investing lakhs of rupees and selling the birds to some one who wants to open a farm assuring him that he might make profits. It has become like a chain link schemes. Practically I have not found any Restaurants offering this meat. Rarely some chicken shops are selling EMU meat that too at very low scale.
People who own a farm are giving trainings and buy back guaranty if the beginners buy chicks from their farm. Imagine they them self cant sell their birds but they are giving a new comer assurance.
Whether it is agriculture or animal breeding, a farmer’s biggest problem is sales. After going through the hardship, pain, investments and time he is unable to sell his produced or have to sell at loss due to the financial pressure. I request any experienced gentleman to give a proper exposure on EMU farming (especially on sales market) it is not important to know the cost profit or break even but is important to know who are the buyers, their details, assurance from govt. other wise many of our farmers will end up in losses due to the false images Portrayed by someone who are confused.


New Member
First let me disclose the fact that recently i started Emu Farming with 50 pairs 3 m old.

Let me also tell some facts here
1) EMU Farming/Industry is in developing stage right now. And the market is not established for EMU products rather EMU farmers trying to market the EMU products in India.
2) You may not find a buyer immediately, for sale of chicks (around 3m old) as i think in AP its some what saturated. But may gain the demand based on the success of upcoming processing units.
3) Getting Bank loan is not easy one, I went to many banks didn't get positive response from any of the bank. Syndicate bank has given many loans and profiitted much by giving the loans to Emu farmers, but even that bank also didn't look into my project saying they have given more loans towards Emu farming and NABARD is querying for their loans towards this. Any way, i am not saying you can't get the loan but it is not so easy.
4) Feed costs are increasing and this effects the margins.
5) And also, please note the facts, not all the females lay eggs and also the Eggs per pair which says 10/12/20 varies from one season to another season.
6) Please note that EMU oil is main product and Meat is by product. EMU Industry will have future, if EMU Oil have the market. And coming to Emu meat, in some selected cities/towns you can buy the meat but I think continuous supply is not there.

There are some upcoming EMU processing units, which will start functioning in this year.
We need to wait and watch for their sales and business.

If one thinks, EMU industry is going in right direction can invest, otherwise wait for 1 or 2 years and accordingly you can decide.
